My Definitive Ranking of Christmas Films

It’s December, therefore it’s Christmas and being a 20 year old student who can’t afford decorations means that one of the only ways I can get in the Christmas mood is to watch seasonal films while I study and/or cry from stress.

I may not include every single Christmas film ever made purely because of my poor memory however I will try and whether you like it or not this ranking is gonna be on point.

Warning: I’m ngl I will be pretty bias, this is all out my own personal experience and opinions of the films, I’m not trying to be a journalist.

15. The Polar Express


I think this is like a love it or hate it film, I don’t enjoy it, the kids creep me out and so does the animation and for some reason I’ve never understood the story which is actually probably because I get way too bored too early to bother. Sorry Tom Hanks I usually love your movies, but this is just weird.

14. The Home Alones that don’t have Macaulay Culkin


They desecrated all over the first two films. No one asked for this. Who is this new kid? Who do they think they are? They aren’t Macaulay and never ever ever will be so they just shouldn’t. He’s ready to fight.

13. Bad Santa


I should enjoy this film, like it’s right up my ally however, I think because it’s a Christmas film there should be more unnecessary cliches and me crying at the happiness – yes it happens and I am proud of my emotions.

12. Santa Claus: The Movie


Every year I mistake it for being The Santa Clause and it annoys me.

11. Scrooged


One of the many many many many many versions of A Christmas Carol. It’s not a bad film, and I heart Bill Murray, it’s just not up there with the rest, let’s not lie here.

10. Nightmare Before Christmas


This is an excellent film, one of Tim Burton’s best in my eyes. It’s just that the debate of whether it’s a Halloween or a Christmas film always confuses me so I don’t even know if it should be on the list but it’s just not one I could miss out.

9. Christmas with the Kranks


As much as I do enjoy the cheesiness of the film, the Krank’s neighbours, colleagues and friends annoy me way too much to be higher on the list. Like I get it, Christmas is a time to come together and for traditions etc. However if someone does not want to celebrate it and wants to go away for it then it’s their choice and life and it should not affect you that much if they don’t want to put some creepy snowman on their roof like JFC.

8. The Santa Clause


Tim Allen at his finest. God I love the ridiculousness, it’s always highlighted in my copy of the Christmas Radio Times. Whoever came up with the story is a genius.

7. Mickey’s A Christmas Carol


Disney’s take of the ever famous Dicken’s tale will always be a special one to me because it’s Disney and you can feel the warmth grow inside you when you watch it.

6. The Muppet Christmas Carol


Probably everyone’s favourite Christmas Carol. You can’t not enjoy this film like Michael Caine is in it for one and he’s a national treasure, he is a legend.

5. Dr Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas


This is usually the first film I watch when I start my Christmas binge. It’s one of the most quotable Christmas films out there, and even though I am a complete Christmas fairy I can so relate to The Grinch, he’s one of the most relatable characters ever made.

4. It’s A Wonderful Life


Got to be the most famous Christmas film ever and also one that will make the whole family bond through tears, just so many tears.

3. Elf


If you don’t love Buddy, I don’t love you.
It’s just when he’s not used to normal human life, like on the elevator and then also when he decorates the shop and it’s exactly how you wish you could decorate your house and Zooey Deschanel singing.
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear”.

2. Love Actually


How people don’t adore this film I will never know. It might not be perfect but god damn it’s cute. Plus the cast is just top notch and Hugh Grant dances and the kid does my favourite ever airport dash and the girl’s All I Want For Christmas is You and Bill Nighy.

1. Home Alone (1&2)


It’s Home Alone, I don’t need to explain. It’s Home Alone.


All images from


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